Who is Keithius?

keith looking into the camera sternly (b&w)

I am Keithius, and Keithius is me!

More specifically, I am known as Keithius (a.k.a. Keith M. Survell: keith@starkeith.net, keith on Mastodon) and StarKeith.net is my personal site. I’m a proud geek, a bit of a security nut, a programmer by trade, and I tend to have some rather outspoken opinions. Since I am a geek, and I do like to write, I started this blog. Perhaps you’ll find it interesting – but more than that, I hope you find it enlightening.

For those who care about such things, let me offer you some personal facts: I was born in 1978 in Wisconsin, I lived in Massachusetts for many years, and I currently live in the lovely state of New Jersey with my beautiful wife Amanda, where we lived with our first pair of two adorable rabbits (who have sadly now passed on after 10 years with us) and now our second pair of troublemakers rabbits. I graduated high school in 1997, and I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science from Fitchburg State College (now called Fitchburg State University).

backyard self portrait

As a programmer, my languages of choice (at the moment) are .NET (I prefer the syntax of VB.NET over C# myself, but I am fluent in both) and TypeScript/JavaScript. I used to write extensively in PHP, I’ve been known to dabble in C and C++, and while I can understand x86 assembly I’m not really fluent enough to write any extensive amount of code in it.

I’m also a bit into digital photography, so expect to see a few posts about cameras, techniques, and the like, as well as some photos I’ve taken from time to time. (For those who like that sort of thing, my Flickr page has all of my photos, conveniently organized for your perusal.)

I’m no good at writing summaries – especially about myself! – so feel free to browse the archives, check out all the categories, and just… enjoy!