The last 10 years have seen many laws enacted in the name of security, but they are meant to protect the lawmakers, not you.
Tag: security
We Don’t Know How to Handle Terrorism
Found this very insightful quote over on Slashdot, and I couldn’t agree more: “Countries like the UK and Israel have experience with terrorism, and they’ve developed reasonably sane ways of handling it. Just to be clear, I’m not praising the fact that they stole land from the Irish and the Palestinians — but at least… Continue reading We Don’t Know How to Handle Terrorism
The Fear Disease
Looking at the increasing level of fear which has crept into both the American populace and American politics over the years since 9/11.
Dear TSA: An Idea for Full-Body Scanners
An open letter to the TSA: wouldn’t it be nice to just replace all the security nonsense with one quick & easy full-body scan?
Dear TSA: Stop Keeping Secrets
An open letter to the TSA asking them to stop being so secretive – because it’s not helping anybody.