Bunny Trial Outcome

After much deliberation (and waking up several times in the middle of the night to put some unruly bunnies back in their “jail”), here is the verdict: Count one: Knowingly and Willingly destroying household property: GUILTY Count two: Accessing restricted under-bed space: GUILTY Count three: Being incredibly cute: GUILTY The sentence, to be carried out… Continue reading Bunny Trial Outcome

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I found a piece of lettuce this morning on the floor in the middle of the living room, far, far away from the rabbit’s food bowl. So I sent Amanda an email saying: “I found a leaf of lettuce this morning in the middle of the living room floor. I don’t even want to speculate… Continue reading Rabbits

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A Very Bunny Christmas

It took a while to get them both looking in the same direction (sort of), and sitting still and not all ruffled (from being picked up and put on the table, which is where I took this photo), but I think it worked well.