C|NET News has a great writeup on what the effects of REAL ID are going to be to people in different states – depending on whether your state has complied or not. There are some SERIOUS problems here of course – for example, you may not be able to go visit your representative in Washington… Continue reading Effects of REAL ID
Tag: politics
The Power of Nightmares
An interesting BBC Video that explores the origins of Islamic Fundamentalism and Neo-conservatism. Well worth the time it takes to watch. “Both [the Islamists and Neoconservatives] were idealists who were born out of the failure of the liberal dream to build a better world. And both had a very similar explanation for what caused that… Continue reading The Power of Nightmares
Security vs. Privacy
As usual, Bruce Schneier puts it more eloquently than I can: …it’s precisely why, when people in their business are in charge of government, it becomes a police state. If privacy and security really were a zero-sum game, we would have seen mass immigration into the former East Germany and modern-day China. While it’s true… Continue reading Security vs. Privacy
Our Paranoid Society
This is what happens when everyone is afraid of everyone else: His mission was to photograph each of the nation’s 50 state capitol buildings and dispatch a postcard from each city, using postage stamps from a childhood collection. Each postcard would be mailed to the next state on his journey, where he would pick it… Continue reading Our Paranoid Society
Democracy and Liberty
This little analogy, found in a signature on Slashdot, sums it up quite nicely: Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what’s for dinner. Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote.