The Roots of Government Surveillance

This great article goes into great detail how the current surveillance society came to be, and looks at the historical origins of the entire process – and the debate that continues to this day. It is as enlightening as it is well-written. No one should believe that real-time government surveillance of the communications network is… Continue reading The Roots of Government Surveillance

Gas Tax Holiday: Dumbest Idea Ever

I overheard on the news this morning something about a “gas tax holiday” that someone (Senator Clinton?) was suggesting. My immediate reaction? That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Let me explain: First off, giving a “holiday” from gasoline taxes is basically admitting that you’ve failed. You’re basically saying, “I’ve failed to keep… Continue reading Gas Tax Holiday: Dumbest Idea Ever

Camera = Terrorist

If you have any doubts that we are becoming more and more paranoid, this article should put your doubts to rest. Photographers have had it hard ever since 9/11 – everywhere they go they’re being harassed, having their cameras confiscated, being told they can’t take photos here or there (often after the fact)… and frankly,… Continue reading Camera = Terrorist

A Really Good Essay on “America’s Most Dangerous Enemy”

This post from Fabius Maximus on “America’s Most Dangerous Enemy” is really good. It is probably one of the best essays I have ever read on the subject – clearly laid out, with citations and a clear structure. It brings to mind my high school lessons on “how to write an essay,” that’s how good… Continue reading A Really Good Essay on “America’s Most Dangerous Enemy”