I just stumbled across a book called Free Culture by Lawrence Lessig. It’s about copyright – but also about a lot more than just copyright. It’s a freely available e-book (gotta love Creative Commons licensing), so please do download the book and give it a read – I highly recommend it. You may just change… Continue reading Free Culture
Tag: politics
Happy Independence Day!
Happy Independence Day! If you’re not in the US, well, happy 4th of July… for whatever reason you like! In CONGRESS, July 4, 1776. The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the course of human Events, it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected… Continue reading Happy Independence Day!
The Roots of Government Surveillance
This great article goes into great detail how the current surveillance society came to be, and looks at the historical origins of the entire process – and the debate that continues to this day. It is as enlightening as it is well-written. No one should believe that real-time government surveillance of the communications network is… Continue reading The Roots of Government Surveillance
On “An Inconvenient Truth”
I finally got around to watching “An Inconvenient Truth” tonight, and I have to say, I’m all riled up. There can be no doubt that climate change is real and is caused by human activity. That’s not what I’m all riled up about. I’m all riled up about what we can do about it and… Continue reading On “An Inconvenient Truth”
Gas Tax Holiday: Dumbest Idea Ever
I overheard on the news this morning something about a “gas tax holiday” that someone (Senator Clinton?) was suggesting. My immediate reaction? That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Let me explain: First off, giving a “holiday” from gasoline taxes is basically admitting that you’ve failed. You’re basically saying, “I’ve failed to keep… Continue reading Gas Tax Holiday: Dumbest Idea Ever