Y’know, we elect these people to congress, and they make laws like this. What makes me really upset is that this “REAL ID” thing is apparently the brainchild of a WISCONSON senator… and Wisconson is my birth state.
Tag: politics
Schneier on Security: REAL ID
Yet more depressing news about this ill-conceived idea of a “national id.” It makes me so mad! Ugh, just read this article – Bruce makes all the points that I would’ve made myself, if I wasn’t seething mad.
U.S. National Identity Cards All But Law
Given the recent surge in Federalism here in the US (a.k.a. “states rights”), I wonder how people will react to this – as it is a huge violation of states rights by the Federal Government. Not to mention that the current Federal Government has absolutely NO IDEA on how to do this right.
The Shape of Days
I found two interesting articles on this blog called “The Shape of Days.” Here’s the links, they’re both very worth reading (technically, the second article is linked to from the first, but what the heck, I’ll post ’em both anyway).
The Divider
The partisanship going on in our government, the struggle between left and right, is now getting so strong, so violent, that I truly believe that it will destroy our American lifestyle This sort of stuff just has to stop.