Senator Kennedy was not allowed to get on a plane because a terrorist had used his name as an alias. If this happens to a normal person, you’re screwed. I really hate this shit.
Tag: politics
Free To Travel?
A very interesting site, focused around Gilmore v. Ashcroft (yes, as in the attorney general of the united states). Lots of legal documents, which may bore some people, but… it’s really disturbing.
Papers, please
Go ahead, read this article from Slashdot, then read all the comments. Just think about it for a bit, and then, if you’re not steaming mad… let me know so I can start calling you “COMRADE.”
SJC Decision on Same-Sex Marriage
A very interesting read. The “official” decision comes first, and is followed by an individual brief from one of the justices that takes a somewhat opposing view. Both are well thought out and very valid – only a few very, very fine points separate the two opinions.
Well, I saw Fahrenheit 9/11 today. It was, at times, very “documentary” like… but at other times, very “propaganda” like.