Sub vs. Dub

A quick Google search of Sub vs Dub (as in “Original Japanese Audio with English Subtitles” vs. “Re-dubbed audio with English voice actors”) will turn up a lot of debate, with people passionately arguing one way or the other. I’m sort of in-between in terms of my preference. A lot of the shows that first… Continue reading Sub vs. Dub

Why the Stick Shift?

Quite a few people who have read my Manual vs. Automatic article have wondered why anyone in their right mind would still use, drive, or even want a manual (stick shift) transmission in this day and age. They just don’t understand – after all, modern automatics are so much better (they say)… so much more… Continue reading Why the Stick Shift?

Behind the Wheel: 2007 Chevrolet Trailblazer

I rented a 2007 Chevy Trailblazer to drive Amanda’s parents around in as we did a big tour of New England in the fall, so I had plenty of time to get aquainted with this vehicle – on both highways and tight city streets. And I can say, unoquivically, that it sucks. Having said that,… Continue reading Behind the Wheel: 2007 Chevrolet Trailblazer