My thoughts on what constitutes “culture shock” these days for us always-connected Americans.
Tag: opinion
Keith’s Anime Reviews: Eureka 7
Keith’s somewhat indecisive review of the anime series Eureka 7.
Behind the Wheel: 2010 Volkswagen Beetle
The venerable old Keithmobile-D was in the shop recently for some long-overdue repairs, which means I needed to rent a car for a few days. This time, the rental agency set me up with a brand-spankin’ new black 2010 Volkswagen New Beetle – and of course, as I do with any car I get the… Continue reading Behind the Wheel: 2010 Volkswagen Beetle
Registry Cleaners: Just Say ‘NO!’
Explaining why so-called “registry cleaners” are not needed anymore (if they ever were needed in the first place).
Keith’s Anime Reviews: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Keith’s Review of “The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.”