It is a (sad?) fact that I play far, far fewer games than I used to. Suffice to say, there were thousands upon thousands of games available for my Atari 7800. Ditto for my original Nintendo (NES) and Super Nintendo (SNES). And when I owned those systems, I had pretty large libraries of games –… Continue reading Why I Don’t Play Newer Games (Mostly)
Tag: opinion
The Great Wikipedia Schism
While I’ve always been a great supporter of Wikipedia, lately things have begun changing that have me questioning whether it’ll work out the way I hoped. Let me explain. Lately, the higher-ups at Wikipedia have made some policy decisions which are arguably aimed at increasing the perceived “quality” or “reliability” or “professionalism” of Wikipedia, in… Continue reading The Great Wikipedia Schism
Behind the Wheel: 2006 Chevrolet Impala LS V6
My trip down to New Jersey this week gave me some time in a 2006 Chevy Impala LS – and let me say right now, I didn’t like it.
Behind the Wheel
Thinking about starting some new driving-related sections here at Core Dump.
Manual vs. Automatic
A while back I read a couple of editorials over at The Truth About Cars regarding the “Death of the Stick Shift.” This got me quite worked up, so here’s my response.