A government which is above the law is not a government – it is a tyranny.
Tag: law
Our Litigious Society is Getting Out of Hand
When you read things like this, it really makes you worry: But you see, Anna is from Estonia, a former republic of the old Soviet Union. As in, the Evil Empire, world’s leading exporter of communism. So when Anna says she feels less free in the United States, where she now lives, than in the… Continue reading Our Litigious Society is Getting Out of Hand
Free Culture
I just stumbled across a book called Free Culture by Lawrence Lessig. It’s about copyright – but also about a lot more than just copyright. It’s a freely available e-book (gotta love Creative Commons licensing), so please do download the book and give it a read – I highly recommend it. You may just change… Continue reading Free Culture
On Copyrights, Patents, and the Constitution
Techdirt: On The Constitutional Reasons Behind Copyright And Patents: This short series of posts starts out really well – by quoting (of all people) Thomas Jefferson: “Stable ownership is the gift of social law, and is given late in the progress of society. It would be curious then, if an idea, the fugitive fermentation of… Continue reading On Copyrights, Patents, and the Constitution
Applying Old Laws to New Technology
You’ve probably heard of the RIAA and the MPAA (the Recording Industry Association of America and the Motion Picture Association of America, respectively) before. They’ve been in the news a lot lately – suing old people who don’t have a computer for sharing mp3 files on the Internet and so forth. A recent Slashdot story… Continue reading Applying Old Laws to New Technology