Yeah, I think it may be time for a new theme for Core Dump here. Don’t get me wrong, I like the design I’m using now, but somehow… it seems too… bland? I’m not sure how to put it. But sometimes I look at it, and it sort of reminds me of those nasty place-holder… Continue reading Time for a new theme?
Tag: blogging
Popularity Contest
I know it’s a silly thing to do, but I sometimes like to look at the visitor stats for this website – as well as for the buns’ website and Amanda’s blog. Of course, sometimes these statistics are a bit depressing – but that’s neither here nor there. For “entertainment purposes,” here are some recent… Continue reading Popularity Contest
Ma Wha… Food?
That’s right – the long-unused blog of Amanda has been re-invented as… a food blog? Well, it makes sense – she’s an amazing cook, so why not share pictures and recipies of her amazing creations? You can check it out over at “Ma Wha Food” – but be aware, she’s still new to this “blogging”… Continue reading Ma Wha… Food?
A New Theme?
In honor of what is now my 1002nd post… I’ve decided to change my theme. What do you think? The old one was very nice (and it matched my office – how geeky is that?) but it didn’t quite properly support Gravatars and was getting a little long in the tooth. This new one should… Continue reading A New Theme?
An Oddity with Cookies and WordPress 2.6
I just upgraded the 3 blogs hosted here on my site to WordPress 2.6, as well as a number of other blogs I maintain for people. In each and every case, after upgrading, I had some trouble getting back to the Admin page – the login page appears and it says “Please log in again”… Continue reading An Oddity with Cookies and WordPress 2.6