Not too long ago I took the final RTM (release to manufacturing) edition of Windows 8 for a spin and shared my thoughts about it. Well, just the other day I took the plunge, ensured my backup was up-to-date, popped the DVD in and upgraded my computer. (Yes, upgraded – I did not do a… Continue reading A Second Look at Windows 8
The Hidden Worlds in our Own Backyards
So recently I took a little photowalk along the river behind my condo complex. As I was setting out, I noticed a path heading in a direction I’d never seen before, and I decided to take it. Right away I was rewarded with seeing some deer prints in the sand beside the river, which is… Continue reading The Hidden Worlds in our Own Backyards
Windows 8 – When Worlds Collide
I got my hands on the release version of Windows 8 the other day, and gave it a spin. What is this new version of Windows really like? Let’s find out!
Keith’s Anime Reviews: Waiting in the Summer
A bit of a surprise this time: a review of a relatively new anime. I don’t normally catch new anime, I usually only hear about it much, much later, when it’s had a chance to become well known. Waiting in the Summer (or Ano Natsu de Matteru) is a very interesting series – it starts… Continue reading Keith’s Anime Reviews: Waiting in the Summer
Copyright & Fan Creations
Copyright law is complicated, but it’s something anyone who creates fan works should have a basic grasp of. This is my attempt at a layman’s guide.