This is the letter that went out with our Christmas cards this year (usually just to family), but it’s been such a year that I thought I’d share it here as well. Apologies for this Holiday card arriving late this year – December got away from us, and truth be told, looking back, the whole… Continue reading Christmas Letter 2015
The Struggle
Every day is a struggle… a different kind of struggle, sure, and varying wildly in intensity, true, but a struggle nonetheless. Struggles against fear & frustration, loss and abandonment, or even just struggling with getting out of bed or running out of coffee. Yet it is these struggles that define us. Like the lines that… Continue reading The Struggle
Just People
It’s all too easy in this day and age to give in to a subtle (or not-so-subtle) fear of “foreigners” but it is important to remember that these are still just people like you and me.
It’s dark in here
It’s dark in here… did you hear that? I know there’s something here. I can see it, can’t you?
Windows 10: FINALLY
I’d been playing around with the Windows 10 Preview on my virtual machine and I liked what I was seeing, so as soon as the “reserve your copy of Windows 10” thing popped up on my computer I filled in my name so I would be able to upgrade when it was ready. Despite this… Continue reading Windows 10: FINALLY