Go ahead, read this article from Slashdot, then read all the comments. Just think about it for a bit, and then, if you’re not steaming mad… let me know so I can start calling you “COMRADE.”
Computers & Legos
Computer people (hackers) like me have a strong affinity for lego. I still have my lego collections at home; but legos today aren’t the same; there’s too many big custom pieces. Here’s a quote from a favorite book of mine called “Microserfs,” by Douglas Coupland.
Why Nerds are Unpopular
This was my middle/high school experience. This guy hits the nail on the head with this one.
Great Hackers
Explains why I don’t know Java. (Although I don’t know Python, either.)
Mozilla /2 = Firefox + Thunderbird
As a strong supporter of open-source thingies, I’ve been using Mozilla pretty much ever since it went to version 1.0 way back when. But lately the team over at Mozilla.org has split the “Mozilla Suite” into its two components: Firefox and Thunderbird. I highly recommend both of them!