Presidential power has been slowly but steadily increasing, and especially so in recent years, but now it’s gotten dangerous – and I worry that we’ve passed a tipping point and the “checks and balances” of our government are no longer able to compensate.
Existing and Resisting
As long as there is a breath in my body, I shall not cease to be a thorn in the side of those who would prevent others from being who they want to be, or denying the rights of others to live as they choose, or spreading hatred and fear of our fellow humans instead… Continue reading Existing and Resisting
A Different Kind of Religious Law
Remember when everyone was afraid of “Sharia Law?”
A Sad Story in 6 Words
He won’t? He will. …He did.
Centralized Social Media is Unsustainable
Wherein I unironically use the phrase “back in my day” to talk about social media.