The Tao Of Programming

Yet another neat thing to read. Maybe more meaningful to me, but if you read it… you may become enlightened.

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Hacker Love

Just for fun, here’s a bunch of stuff you (my dear reader, or two – I think there might be two of you out there) might want to read to get to know me and my kind (hackers) a bit better. I’m not trying to be pretentious here, I just think this is enlightening stuff.

Another Core Dump?

Actually, I realize the title “Core Dump” isn’t very original – I mean, it’s been in computer people’s vocabulary from as far back as… well, ever since people referred to main memory as “the core.” Which is going back a ways.

Computers & Legos

Computer people (hackers) like me have a strong affinity for lego. I still have my lego collections at home; but legos today aren’t the same; there’s too many big custom pieces. Here’s a quote from a favorite book of mine called “Microserfs,” by Douglas Coupland.