The Gadget Gap

Why does all the cool stuff come out in Asia first? I wish I spoke Japanese, just so I could go to Tokyo and play with some of the gadgets they have over there.

Categorized as tech

Secunia – Multiple Browsers Window Injection Vulnerability Test

This is a serious one here, folks. Even in my secure Firefox browser, the exploit works (that is, a pop up window that I opened by clicking on a link did indeed open the Secunia page rather than the Citibank page that was supposed to open).

Categorized as tech

Fun with Feedburner

It’s kind of silly to put it here, but if you have a blog (and an xml feed of some sort) you can use Feedburner as well… and use this neat tool to make animated “ads” of a sort for your blog, to post… well, where ever you want.

Talking to Robots

I’ve talked to systems like this before regarding our business DSL here at the office.

Categorized as tech