I’ve noticed that due to the strange changes to my feed, some of the previous articles prior to Blogger going down on me have a very, very strange date. It appears in the XML file as 1969; my newsreader Thunderbird shows the date as 2106, though. Weird!
Category: tech
So, I’ve finally moved over to WordPress. Which means my posts are now database-driven and hosted entirely on StarKeith.net.
Update: Blogger Fixed?
If you’re reading this, then it must be fixed. After days of no replies, I (on a whim) changed my publishing method from FTP to SFTP. And it worked. I’m looking into alternative blogging methods – perhaps WordPress?
Blogger Broken
Blogger is broken. I haven’t been able to publish in over 24 hours – and so far, nothing but an automated response to my plea for help. I don’t even know if this post will make it up or not.
Know your Enemy: Phishing
The range of these attacks & scams is almost scary. Read this article to get an idea of just how big these problems really are.