One Gigabyte Drives

Question: “What would you do with a gigabyte drive?” Answer: “Doublespace it!”

Culture in the Age of Blogging

This is quite a long article, but it is also quite interesting. I highly suggest you read the whole thing. It makes some interesting points about culture, blogging, main-stream media, and so forth.

Categorized as Internet

Spam This

Spam is a serious problem. For example, one of the user’s here at shut down their email address here because they were getting so much spam. Unfortunately, the spam kept coming – filling the account past it’s quota and blocking up the mail server’s emergency queue (or “buffer”).

Categorized as tech

DHS Enforces Copyright?

Bruce has got a good point – and he raises a good question: “why is the Department of Homeland Security busting video pirates?”


This neat “trackback” thing is pretty cool! Blogger never had any such capability, but now that I’m using WordPress, I can already see that at least one person has linked to me. Viva la Blogosphere!