Joel on Software

“Just because you’re a programmer doesn’t mean you have to be the help desk for a dozen friends, relatives, and the people in the apartment next door. Does it?”

Folder Parsing

Some musing on a technical folder parsing problem I was working on (do you understand recursion?).

Categorized as tech

Microsoft asks for help from hackers

This is actually quite refreshing, in a way. It’s good to see them trying to drive the point of security home to their programmers & executives. Who knows? Maybe Windows really will become more secure.

Categorized as tech

Backscatter X-Ray Technology

According to this article over at Bruce Schneier’s blog, there’s a new X-Ray system that can literally “see” through clothes (in the way that many of us imagined those old “x-ray glasses” advertised on the back of cereal boxes would work). And they’re planning on using it to scan people.

UI Hall of Shame

If some Software Developers built houses? Heh heh heh… as a developer myself, I find this very amusing.