Suppose the metaphor ran in the other direction. Suppose the highways were like the net…
Category: tech
Comment Spam, Redux
During the last week I’ve gotten over 100 comment spams submitted to this blog – and almost all of them have gotten past my spam-blocking tools… this does not make me happy.
Net Neutrality
I think “Net Neutrality” is vitally important – and here’s why.
Apple Makes Little Girl Cry
In California, nine-year old Shea O’Gorman wrote a letter to Apple CEO Steve Jobs suggesting changes that she thought might improve the iPod. The letter she got back from an Apple senior counsel, advising her of the company’s policy against considering unsolicited ideas, was brusque enough to reduce her to tears.
Upgrading Languages
I agree with this: “If you spend the money to upgrade to VB.NET, well, you just spent a lot of money to stand still.”