New Speakers

Talking about a new set of computer speakers – specifically, Logitech X-230 speakers.


I think this is GREAT software. The ability to make encrypted disks anywhere on your computer (or USB memory device) is a boon to security nuts like me. And the encryption that’s available from this software is very, very good. (As an added bonus, it’s open source – so you can be sure the government

DRM can bite my…

The BBC reports that following approval from the BBC Trust they are now allowed to release their ‘iPlayer’, enabling the download and viewing of BBC owned content. Unfortunately the Trust also mandated the use of DRM to enforce a 30 day playable period.

Categorized as Rants, tech Tagged

You go, Firefox!

Although the statistics for my website are wholly unscientific, it’s still gratifying to see Firefox with such a huge percentage!