I direct your attention to a recent post of mine. A look at it from the main page shows “Comments (3)”, but when you actually look at the comments, there are only 2. Looking at the WordPress admin panel shows the same thing. It thinks there are 3 comments, but there are only 2. What’s… Continue reading Where’d WordPress Learn to Count?
Category: tech
The Great Wikipedia Schism
While I’ve always been a great supporter of Wikipedia, lately things have begun changing that have me questioning whether it’ll work out the way I hoped. Let me explain. Lately, the higher-ups at Wikipedia have made some policy decisions which are arguably aimed at increasing the perceived “quality” or “reliability” or “professionalism” of Wikipedia, in… Continue reading The Great Wikipedia Schism
Experimenting with Tags
So, new versions of WordPress support “tags.” Which seem like an interesting way to categorize things – and handy, too. I’ve been able to go back and categorize all my posts on “REAL ID” with a tag so they can be quickly found. Although tagging is not 100% awesome – there are some quirks to… Continue reading Experimenting with Tags
Insane Password Policy
One of the most insane password policies I have ever seen comes from… Microsoft?
Just get Firefox already, geez!
My attempts to urge Internet Explorer users to upgrade to something better.