Really Annoying Flaw in NTFS Mount Points

UPDATE: As some people have noted, this problem was fixed in Windows Vista, so “it’s not really a problem anymore.” And with Windows 7 out now, and Windows XP slowly dying, there’s no real reason to worry about this anymore. But I’m leaving this article here, just for the sake of posterity. I found out… Continue reading Really Annoying Flaw in NTFS Mount Points

Computer Drama

So, my new 500 GB hard drive arrived the other day. Thus began the 3-part geek tragedy that accompanies any computer upgrade. First off, let me say that it’s been a while since I’ve done this. The last time I installed a new hard drive in my computer, Ultra DMA was still pretty new –… Continue reading Computer Drama

New Theme Time

I’m getting the itch to change my blog theme again. But I’m having trouble finding anything I like. I have a number of themes installed, and they are all very good, but none of them is quite what I’m looking for. For example, I have PhotoSky and Dignity from, GlossyBlue by N.Design Studio,  GreenWave… Continue reading New Theme Time

The Roots of Government Surveillance

This great article goes into great detail how the current surveillance society came to be, and looks at the historical origins of the entire process – and the debate that continues to this day. It is as enlightening as it is well-written. No one should believe that real-time government surveillance of the communications network is… Continue reading The Roots of Government Surveillance

Online Identity/Anonymity

This story over on Slashdot about how the Washington Post’s online executive editor Jim Brady is arguing against anonymity sparked quite a lively little debate. The problem isn’t really anonymity – it’s identity. They don’t want to know who a particular person is, they just want to somehow stop that one person from coming back.… Continue reading Online Identity/Anonymity