In a follow up to this post on my experience with Comcast Support, I have… good news! I wrote in to Comcast this morning via their website because I was having some Internet trouble – it was being a bit flakey. I wrote to them telling them about my previous experience – which admittedly was… Continue reading Follow-Up on “Comcastic Support”
Category: tech
Update on OpenID
Well, I’ve had my OpenID for a while now – and frankly, I haven’t used it once since I signed up. Oh don’t get me wrong – I am totally for the idea of a single, universal log on. But, in my opinion, the system isn’t quite “polished” enough. Adding all my information into OpenID… Continue reading Update on OpenID
So, I finally made the jump and signed up for an OpenID – on the recommendation of Jeff Atwood, I chose as my provider. Interestingly, you can set up your own domain through OpenID and basically give out OpenIDs based on your domain, instead of someone else’s. (In case you’re not aware of how… Continue reading OpenID
Breaking the Web
Recently I’ve found more than a few websites using a very annoying pop-up preview thing – you’ve probably seen it yourself, popping up when you mouse over a link on a web page. It’s from some place called “Snap,” and it shows you a preview of the page the link leads to – I guess… Continue reading Breaking the Web
A Walk through Windows History
I freely admit, I’m a bit of a history nut. And I also admit I use Windows, and have used Windows for pretty much forever. I should also mention that I’ve personally owned just about every version of Windows to ever exist, at one time or another. Finally, I should mention that I’m a bit… Continue reading A Walk through Windows History