This is the latest in a series (previous entries here and here) on my quest to have a rock-solid, reliable Internet Gateway Router. When I last wrote about this, I had gone to Netgear Tech Support, and they said my router was bad, and we were going to exchange it. So, the new unit came,… Continue reading They REALLY Don’t Make ’em Like They Used To
Category: tech
Ma Wha… Food?
That’s right – the long-unused blog of Amanda has been re-invented as… a food blog? Well, it makes sense – she’s an amazing cook, so why not share pictures and recipies of her amazing creations? You can check it out over at “Ma Wha Food” – but be aware, she’s still new to this “blogging”… Continue reading Ma Wha… Food?
CAN-SPAM Act is 5 Years Old
So it’s been 5 years since the CAN-SPAM act was introduced. Yet my inbox is still flooded with spam (I have to use 2 different spam-filtering services to keep it from being overwhelming – and even then stuff still gets through). An article on Slashdot asks the obvious question: what went wrong? “Five years ago,… Continue reading CAN-SPAM Act is 5 Years Old
Now’s the time to switch to Firefox
A serious security flaw has been found in Internet Explorer – no big surprise there. But this one really IS serious – it was found by attackers before it was found by Microsoft. So exploits are already out there “in the wild.” (This BBC News story has more details.) The worst part of it is… Continue reading Now’s the time to switch to Firefox
WordPress 2.7 – Nice
That’s not a sarcastic “nice,” or an uninterested “nice,” that’s high-praise “niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice!” I just happened to be up late last night and logged on to my blog’s admin interface, only to see that WordPress 2.7 had been released. Who-hoo! I love new versions, especially of free software. I love the way people put their heart… Continue reading WordPress 2.7 – Nice