Ma Wha… Food?

That’s right – the long-unused blog of Amanda has been re-invented as… a food blog? Well, it makes sense – she’s an amazing cook, so why not share pictures and recipies of her amazing creations? You can check it out over at “Ma Wha Food” – but be aware, she’s still new to this “blogging”… Continue reading Ma Wha… Food?

WordPress 2.7 – Nice

That’s not a sarcastic “nice,” or an uninterested “nice,” that’s high-praise “niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice!” I just happened to be up late last night and logged on to my blog’s admin interface, only to see that WordPress 2.7 had been released. Who-hoo! I love new versions, especially of free software. I love the way people put their heart… Continue reading WordPress 2.7 – Nice