I still can’t seem to get quite the right “look” for this website. The first theme I tried was iNove, and I liked it quite a bit – especially for it’s use of icons and the way it formatted comments. But on the other hand, the text was a bit cramped together, and in general… Continue reading A Blog Identity Crisis
Category: tech
Let’s Try This Theme
OK, I’ve updated to a new theme. I’m going to give it a try for a while, to see if I like it. (I do like the liberal use of FamFamFam’s Silk icons, though!) We’ll see how I feel about it in a few days… but in the meantime, enjoy it!
Time for a new theme?
Yeah, I think it may be time for a new theme for Core Dump here. Don’t get me wrong, I like the design I’m using now, but somehow… it seems too… bland? I’m not sure how to put it. But sometimes I look at it, and it sort of reminds me of those nasty place-holder… Continue reading Time for a new theme?
So Much for my “Upgrade” Path
There’s been a major change in my plans to eventually “upgrade” to a 64-bit OS (probably the 64-bit version of Windows 7). Namely, the idea that it could be an “upgrade” at all. There apparently is no upgrade path from any Windows 32-bit edition to any Windows 64-bit edition. If you’re going to make the… Continue reading So Much for my “Upgrade” Path
I Think I’ll Use Windows 7
So, I’ve been trying out the Windows 7 beta lately… and I think I’ve decided, that when Windows 7 is officially released, I will upgrade to it. …Let me explain. As you probably already know, I currently use Windows XP. It came with my computer when I bought it, and I just didn’t see the… Continue reading I Think I’ll Use Windows 7