I know it’s a silly thing to do, but I sometimes like to look at the visitor stats for this website – as well as for the buns’ website and Amanda’s blog. Of course, sometimes these statistics are a bit depressing – but that’s neither here nor there. For “entertainment purposes,” here are some recent… Continue reading Popularity Contest
Category: Internet
Ma Wha… Food?
That’s right – the long-unused blog of Amanda has been re-invented as… a food blog? Well, it makes sense – she’s an amazing cook, so why not share pictures and recipies of her amazing creations? You can check it out over at “Ma Wha Food” – but be aware, she’s still new to this “blogging”… Continue reading Ma Wha… Food?
OK, OK, I’ll join Twitter!
It seems like you can’t throw a stone these days without hitting some mention of Twitter. Everyone seems to be using it – and I admit, the idea seems sound. I hear a lot of people say that it’s replaced Instant Messaging for them. So, after dragging my feet for this long… I finally joined… Continue reading OK, OK, I’ll join Twitter!
It’s Talk Like a Pirate Day!
Arrr, matey, ye best be talkin’ like a pirate t’day ya fithly landlubber, or it’s the plank for ye! (The Internet has the best holidays! 🙂 )
Happy Birthday to GNU!
GNU (that’s “GNU is Not Unix,” in case you were wondering) turns 25 years old this year. Apparently, Stephen Fry has made a little video to help celebrate – and I think it’s wonderful and you should definitely go watch it right now. In fact, you may want to watch it and send it to… Continue reading Happy Birthday to GNU!