This post by Naomi Wolf is a year old, but it is still relevant. What’s really scary is that all 10 of these steps have already been taken here in the US. The steps that I most dread are: Set up an internal surveillance system Dissent equals Treason Suspend the Rule of Law This is… Continue reading 10 Steps to Destroy Democracy
Category: society
More on “Where have all the children gone”
This is a follow-up to my posts on Where have all the children gone and More on the “Missing Children”. Bruce Schneier writes about how overprotective we’ve become of children. He quotes a story of a mother who lets her son take the New York City subway home on his own, trusting him to follow… Continue reading More on “Where have all the children gone”
On Surveillance
Surveillance is power. When surveillance become ubiquitous, we place utmost faith and trust in those performing surveillance to use that power justly. And as we all know… power corrupts. If we wish to become a surveillance society, we must have checks and balances on surveillance, just as we do with other forms of government power –… Continue reading On Surveillance
On Copyrights, Patents, and the Constitution
Techdirt: On The Constitutional Reasons Behind Copyright And Patents: This short series of posts starts out really well – by quoting (of all people) Thomas Jefferson: “Stable ownership is the gift of social law, and is given late in the progress of society. It would be curious then, if an idea, the fugitive fermentation of… Continue reading On Copyrights, Patents, and the Constitution
The Four Boxes used to Defend Liberty
Still another great sig seen on Slashdot: There are 4 boxes to use in the defense of liberty: soap, ballot, jury, ammo. Use in that order. Starting now. I hope you’ve been using the first two recently – I know I have.