Free Culture

I just stumbled across a book called Free Culture by Lawrence Lessig. It’s about copyright – but also about a lot more than just copyright. It’s a freely available e-book (gotta love Creative Commons licensing), so please do  download the book and give it a read – I highly recommend it. You may just change… Continue reading Free Culture


Some very good points were made in response to my previous post that I didn’t think of – basically, that things like “copyright cops” and so forth are wasting our limited energies. That things like “copyright cops” and other useless endeavors (I’d argue for “war on drugs” and probably the “war on terror” to be… Continue reading Priorities

Clearly Stupid

Take a look at this ad I saw just the other day: This has to be the single stupidest thing that has come about since the increased airline security policy went into effect after 9/11. It’s a card that supposedly will let you get through airport security faster – something about being “precleared.” If you… Continue reading Clearly Stupid


I’ve been noticing a disturbing trend lately – people are becoming more and more xenophobic. If you don’t believe me, just take a look at all the anti-immigrant sentiments floating around these days. And in case you weren’t sure, the definition of xenophobic is: An exaggerated or abnormal fear of strangers or foreigners. A strong… Continue reading Xenophobia