Clearly Stupid

Take a look at this ad I saw just the other day: This has to be the single stupidest thing that has come about since the increased airline security policy went into effect after 9/11. It’s a card that supposedly will let you get through airport security faster – something about being “precleared.” If you… Continue reading Clearly Stupid


I’ve been noticing a disturbing trend lately – people are becoming more and more xenophobic. If you don’t believe me, just take a look at all the anti-immigrant sentiments floating around these days. And in case you weren’t sure, the definition of xenophobic is: An exaggerated or abnormal fear of strangers or foreigners. A strong… Continue reading Xenophobia

Online Identity/Anonymity

This story over on Slashdot about how the Washington Post’s online executive editor Jim Brady is arguing against anonymity sparked quite a lively little debate. The problem isn’t really anonymity – it’s identity. They don’t want to know who a particular person is, they just want to somehow stop that one person from coming back.… Continue reading Online Identity/Anonymity

Camera = Terrorist

If you have any doubts that we are becoming more and more paranoid, this article should put your doubts to rest. Photographers have had it hard ever since 9/11 – everywhere they go they’re being harassed, having their cameras confiscated, being told they can’t take photos here or there (often after the fact)… and frankly,… Continue reading Camera = Terrorist