Looking at the increasing level of fear which has crept into both the American populace and American politics over the years since 9/11.
Category: politics
Treating our Legal Code like Computer Code
Looking at some pending legislation through the eyes of a computer programmer… and finding it… wanting.
The Problems
Found this over on a Slashdot story about how attacks on voting machines are practical (despite arguments to the contrary): The problem is our elections are supposed to be transparent by law. The problem is our elections are supposed to have public oversight. The problem is a private company can not provide public oversight. The… Continue reading The Problems
Using Tax Money
“Using tax money to provide goods and services does two things: it hides the true cost by shifting the burden of payment onto other people and it eliminates choice. Those are both bad, but for different reasons.”
What Happened to an “Open and Transparent” Government?
A government which is above the law is not a government – it is a tyranny.