I dunno if this is totally true or not, but even if it’s a little true, it’s very disturbing. We’re fighting a war against religious extremists, while our leader is… …a religious extremist. Hmmm…
Category: politics
This man runs our country?
Trust, Don’t Verify – Bush’s incredible definition of credibility. By William Saletan. Terrible. Just terrible.
They Want to Kill Us Anyway
The point is, we’re basically dealing with a new kind of terrorist here, the kind who hates “us” (by which I mean everyone who’s not a terrorist, which is basically everyone on Earth)
Sacred Institution of Marriage
I think this sums up our modern society quite nicely.
I’ve been afraid before that America is rapidly decaying… but it seems as though it’s happening faster than I thought. Honestly, I’m not sure if I want to live here anymore. And that’s saying something.