Florida Activates System for Citizens to Call Each Other Terrorists Or, in other words, a very, very, very bad idea… but sadly not the first time we’ve seen something just like this. There’s the “if you see something, say something” campaign that you see plastered all over the place in the greater NYC metro area… Continue reading Florida Activates System for Citizens to Call Each Other Terrorists
Category: politics
Thoughts about “Occupy Wall Street”
Thinking about what the “Occupy Wall Street” movement REALLY means… at least, in my opinion.
Why SOPA Must Die
SOPA (the Stop Online Piracy Act) Must Die – and here’s why.
Ten Years, Zero Progress
It’s been 10 years since 9/11 – but have we really made any progress, and is there any hope that we ever will?
Trust No One
In the post 9/11 America, you are presumed guilty until… well, you’re pretty much always presumed guilty.