GOP Swept from Power in 2006

I have to admit, I’d like to see Bush & Co. get taken down, but not quite like in this satirical article. Now, if this was the Libertarian party taking over in the 2006 midterm elections, I’d be elated…

Categorized as politics

I Drew This

It is kind of silly, when you look at it this way. The whole thing, I mean. Sometimes I think the Senate just needs to chill out.

The Downing Street Memo

Apparently this is being kept out of the mainstream media – and that in itself is disturbing. I wonder what the truth of all this is? It certainly does not look good, at least not for Bush & Co.

Categorized as politics

The Innocent and the Guilty

This article makes a good point – about the President’s hypocrisy on death. It should be noted, of course, that I’m all for stem cell research – and the death penalty, too. At least my views are internally consistent!

Categorized as politics