Can a People Have Too Much Respect for the Law?

Our “deference to the Law, and to every one who wears the semblance of lawful authority, is so complete… as to occasion a traveler some annoyance and more surprise,” Dixon wrote. “Every dog in office is obeyed with such unquestioning meekness, that every dog in office is tempted to become a cur.”

Categorized as politics

It’s starting…

In the aftermath of the Kelo decision, more aggressive “public takings” are already starting.

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Government Taking Private Land

Read this and maybe you’ll understand why so many people are worried. Someone, somewhere thought that this ruling might signal the end of the Real Estate boom – a chilling thought if you’re in the Real Estate business. (Or in any kind of business; since so much of the US economy is real estate.)

Categorized as politics

Ignorant Citzenry

How can you have a representative republic, when close to half the citizens have no thoughts, opinions, beliefs, or understandings to represent?

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Kelo v. City of New London

Well, this is what I get for not paying attention to things. What the hell happened here? Is this a failure of justice or something?

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