What a way to wake up – a call from Amanda, in the car on her way to work, with news that bombs have gone off in the London Underground. Aw crap.
Category: politics
a tribute to charles clarke and his id cards
Apparently the British are trying to implement a national ID card – and someone didn’t like the idea. The above-linked flash animation is the result – I highly recommend watching it.
Conceit of Government
What’s wrong with them? That’s what I’m thinking more and more as I watch the news from Washington.
“…The cynicism of one generation begets the apathy of the next.”
Can a People Have Too Much Respect for the Law?
Our “deference to the Law, and to every one who wears the semblance of lawful authority, is so complete… as to occasion a traveler some annoyance and more surprise,” Dixon wrote. “Every dog in office is obeyed with such unquestioning meekness, that every dog in office is tempted to become a cur.”