Bombing in London Underground

What a way to wake up – a call from Amanda, in the car on her way to work, with news that bombs have gone off in the London Underground. Aw crap.

Categorized as politics

Conceit of Government

What’s wrong with them? That’s what I’m thinking more and more as I watch the news from Washington.

Categorized as politics


“…The cynicism of one generation begets the apathy of the next.”

Can a People Have Too Much Respect for the Law?

Our “deference to the Law, and to every one who wears the semblance of lawful authority, is so complete… as to occasion a traveler some annoyance and more surprise,” Dixon wrote. “Every dog in office is obeyed with such unquestioning meekness, that every dog in office is tempted to become a cur.”

Categorized as politics