We all know about George Orwell’s 1984, right? Well, sometimes I think maybe we don’t, because we keep doing stuff that seems to be taken straight from the book.
Category: politics
Bruce Schneier on REAL-ID (again)
“A reliance on ID cards is based on a dangerous security myth, that if only we knew who everyone was, we could pick the bad guys out of the crowd.”
Maine Rejects Federally Mandated ID Cards
“Maine Rejects Federally Mandated ID Cards” – Way to go Maine!
FedEx and Silly Security
“I sympathize with people who aren’t making very much and are probably forced to comply with arcane corporate rules and who have to deal with weirdoes coming in with cans labeled “Rocket Fuel.” I really do. But… c’mon.”
Airport Security and Snow Globes
Having recently traveled through airport security a few times (and taken off my shoes, and had my bag inspected, and had my body patted down by a stranger), I can definitely appreciate this article.