The Quixotic Quest for Invulnerability

Schneier on Security: Homeland Security Cost-Benefit Analysis. A very worthwhile read – basically: The premises: The number of potential terrorist targets is essentially infinite. The probability that any individual target will be attacked is essentially zero. If one potential target happens to enjoy a degree of protection, the agile terrorist usually can readily move on… Continue reading The Quixotic Quest for Invulnerability

Democrat = Republican

Seen in a Slashdot thread on Nancy Pelosi vs. the Internet: The Democratic and Republican parties are two sides of the same coin. Neither is there to help you. Both have a long history of trying to steal elections. Democrats claim to be liberal, and Republicans claim to be conservative, but both parties are actually… Continue reading Democrat = Republican

Copyright Cops?? WTF!?

Yep, that’s right. H.R. 4279, the “Prioritizing Resources and Organization for Intellectual Property” Act would create a “Intellectual Property Enforcement Division” within the office of the Deputy Attorney General. Because this is clearly what we need – a police organization to enforce intellectual property rights in our own country. Riiiiiiiiight… I may be a little… Continue reading Copyright Cops?? WTF!?

Your Papers, Please (Part 2)

Via Bruce Schneier’s blog – the TSA has a new photo ID requirement: Beginning Saturday, June 21, 2008 passengers that willfully refuse to provide identification at security checkpoint will be denied access to the secure area of airports. This change will apply exclusively to individuals that simply refuse to provide any identification or assist transportation… Continue reading Your Papers, Please (Part 2)