The Two Bunnies

Gussy and Betsy are getting along much, much better these days. The other day, I caught the two of them just sitting by their food bowls, with their little legs tucked up underneath their bodies, relaxed as can be.

The Life and Times of Bunnies

So both Gussy and Betsy have been de-sexed, and all is well in our home with the bunnies. But it was not always so… for the first week after Betsy had been spayed, we had to keep them separated.

Bunny Post-Op

Well, Gussy’s home again. He was very tired last night, so we just spent a lot of time patting his little furry head before going to bed.

Categorized as pets

Bunny Pre-Op

Today’s the day that Gussy gets neutered. He’s bounding around the house this morning, oblivious to what’s happening today. It’s a long ride to the vet’s office, too, so I hope he does OK.

Categorized as pets

New Bunny Name

We’ve decided on a name for our new girl-bunny. It’s “Betsy.” After observing her for a day and a half, watching her fearlessly explore parts of the house where Gussy has never gone, and watching her little ears flop as she hops to and fro, the name “Betsy” just seemed to fit.

Categorized as pets