Was bringing my trailer to the hardware store overkill when all I needed was two 6-foot lengths of wood? Perhaps… the wood would’ve fit in the car (if I put the seats down) but I have the trailer, it’s easy enough to hook up, and gosh darn it, I like using it!

Ah, November – the best month of the year IMHO, and my favorite month (and not just because it’s when my birthday is). I love this time of year – as the days cool down and you start to get that first possible expectation of snow – though the delightfully foggy mornings we’ve been having are nice, too.

The Red Death

An especially relevant poem for These TimesTM in which we live. You can read the whole thing here, but I especially like the final paragraph: And now was acknowledged the presence of the Red Death. He had come like a thief in the night. And one by one dropped the revellers in the blood-bedewed halls… Continue reading The Red Death

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The Raven

It’s Halloween and I wanted to do something a little fun, so I recorded myself reciting Edgar Allen Poe’s “The Raven.” This was thrown together quickly – and I’m certainly no audio engineer or voice actor – so it’s not the highest quality, but I thought it was fun, so I hope you enjoy it!