This summer my wife and her parents and I all went on a trip to Scotland, where we rented a car and drove the entirety of the North Coast 500 – a 500 (ish) mile loop along the… you guessed it, north coast of Scotland. Although we had reserved a medium-sized SUV, when we arrived… Continue reading Behind the Wheel: Mercedes-Benz C200 Wagon
Category: personal
Keith-isms (or: Stuff Keith Says)
If you talk with me long enough, you’ll start to notice that I use some odd turns of phrases. I’ve picked most of them up from media of some sort – sometimes books, sometimes movies or TV shows – but they aren’t the sort of phrases you commonly hear repeated. I started jotting down a… Continue reading Keith-isms (or: Stuff Keith Says)
Keith’s Anime Reviews: Laid-Back Camp
If you want to feel relaxed and comfy, then this is the anime for you.
Problems remain with Mastodon
Yes, I’m talking about Mastodon again. After the last installment of my Mastodon Saga – where I found that it wasn’t just a database issue that erased my account, but rather a RAID failure – I held out hope that my account and prior posts (and most importantly, follower lists) could be restored. Unfortunately, that… Continue reading Problems remain with Mastodon
A Difference in Key Caps
What difference can keyboard key caps make? Let’s find out!