Non Non Biyori is a delightful little series with a gorgeous animation style and a wonderfully calm, comfy, and relaxing vibe. Set in a very small, very rural Japanese town, it follows a cast of mainly girls across a wide range of ages – from adults to elementary-school age kids – as they go about… Continue reading Keith’s Anime Reviews: Non Non Biyori
Category: My Opinion
Mastodon – Almost, but Not Quite
I really wanted to like Mastodon – but unfortunately, I don’t think I’ll be using it, and I’ll tell you why. If you’re not familiar, here’s the quick version of “what is Mastodon?” Mastodon is a decentralized social network, built upon the ActivityPub protocol and the idea of a “Fediverse.” Instead of there being one… Continue reading Mastodon – Almost, but Not Quite
Corporate Welfare
When you start to decouple the ideas that money & property are the be-all and end-all of everything, capitalism as it exists these days really starts to seem awfully misguided. But even if you don’t do that, and you just believe in the idea that “hard work bears fruit,” then it still seems awfully misguided… Continue reading Corporate Welfare
Technology, Optimism, and the Future
The idealistic dream of “technology for good” gives way to the realization that technology – like anything – is just a tool, and can be used for good or ill.
22H2 – Windows 11 as it should have been
So the latest Windows 11 update – 22H2 – got rolled out to my desktop PC recently and I’ve finally had a chance to try it out and form an opinion on it. To me, this update feels like what Windows 11 should have been from the start. It fixes a lot of little issues… Continue reading 22H2 – Windows 11 as it should have been