Well, I shouldn’t say “recommendations,” since I’m just recommending one book: Testing Computer Software (Second Edition) by Cem Kaner, Jack Falk, and Hung Quoc Nguyen. This is an utterly invaluable book for anyone who ever aspires to be more than just a code monkey. Technically speaking, this book was written more for “testers” and people… Continue reading Some of MY Programming Book Recommendations
Category: My Opinion
Digital Photography Blasphemy
I know this is going to sound like blasphemy to many digital photography fans out there (and to gadget geeks in general), but I have to say – it is very handy to have a no-frills point & shoot digital camera around sometimes. Before you dismember me, let me explain. First off, let me say… Continue reading Digital Photography Blasphemy
More on Photography
Just 2 quick little tips on digital photography: using the self-timer, and the photo-management software “Picasa.”
This Is Broken – Bank of America jailing a customer
“Matthew Shinnick dropped by a Bank of America branch in San Francisco to make sure a check he was about to deposit wasn’t fraudulent. The teller found that the check was fraudulent and told the manager, who then had Shinnick thrown in jail.”
Behind the Wheel: 2006 Chevrolet Impala LS V6
My trip down to New Jersey this week gave me some time in a 2006 Chevy Impala LS – and let me say right now, I didn’t like it.