So, I’ve been trying out the Windows 7 beta lately… and I think I’ve decided, that when Windows 7 is officially released, I will upgrade to it. …Let me explain. As you probably already know, I currently use Windows XP. It came with my computer when I bought it, and I just didn’t see the… Continue reading I Think I’ll Use Windows 7
Category: My Opinion
Sub vs. Dub
A quick Google search of Sub vs Dub (as in “Original Japanese Audio with English Subtitles” vs. “Re-dubbed audio with English voice actors”) will turn up a lot of debate, with people passionately arguing one way or the other. I’m sort of in-between in terms of my preference. A lot of the shows that first… Continue reading Sub vs. Dub
10 Tips for New Programmers
It occurred to me the other day that I’ve been doing this stuff (programming) for more than a few years now – most of them in a very much “professional” manner. So I guess that makes me qualified to come up with lists like this! Learn the machine. Build yourself a computer. Understand how the… Continue reading 10 Tips for New Programmers
Some of MY Programming Book Recommendations
Well, I shouldn’t say “recommendations,” since I’m just recommending one book: Testing Computer Software (Second Edition) by Cem Kaner, Jack Falk, and Hung Quoc Nguyen. This is an utterly invaluable book for anyone who ever aspires to be more than just a code monkey. Technically speaking, this book was written more for “testers” and people… Continue reading Some of MY Programming Book Recommendations
Digital Photography Blasphemy
I know this is going to sound like blasphemy to many digital photography fans out there (and to gadget geeks in general), but I have to say – it is very handy to have a no-frills point & shoot digital camera around sometimes. Before you dismember me, let me explain. First off, let me say… Continue reading Digital Photography Blasphemy