It’s been over a month since I brought a Linksys-branded Windows Media Center Extender into my home. How is it holding up? Is it cutting the mustard? Was it worth the price? Maybe, but only if you bought it on sale.
Category: My Opinion
Communication and Programming
Programming is all about communicating – communicating with the computer, and with other people. So it follows that to be a good programmer, you need to be a good communicator, too.
What Happened to an “Open and Transparent” Government?
A government which is above the law is not a government – it is a tyranny.
Trying out a Windows Media Center Extender
I found a good deal on a Linksys DMA2200 Media Center Extender, and so I bought it. Here’s my thoughts on it after setting it up!
To Delete, or Not to Delete
To delete or not to delete? That is the (programming) question I’m trying to answer.