Trust, Don’t Verify – Bush’s incredible definition of credibility. By William Saletan. Terrible. Just terrible.
Author: Keith Survell
Geek, professional programmer, amateur photographer, crazy rabbit guy, only slightly obsessed with cute things.
Mornings are the Devil
Truly, mornings are the devil.
They Want to Kill Us Anyway
The point is, we’re basically dealing with a new kind of terrorist here, the kind who hates “us” (by which I mean everyone who’s not a terrorist, which is basically everyone on Earth)
Astrological Musings
I love self analysis. Here’s a great description of “Scorpio,” which, since my birthday falls on November 17th, is what my star-sign is considered to be. For fun I’ve added my own comments (in brackets and italics).
Keith Gets Published!!!
Yes, that’s right – the great Keithius is taking his first steps on TAKING OVER THE WORLD by influencing public opinion.