An awesome movie, a little over 3 minutes long. Ah, the magic of LEGO!
Author: Keith Survell
Geek, professional programmer, amateur photographer, crazy rabbit guy, only slightly obsessed with cute things.
This is an interesting site… it lets you get to sites, such as some news sites, that require registration, by using existing registrations. Saves time, prevents misuse of your personal information (including your email address).
Outlanding Locations
Some places I have found for Outlanding (soft-roading) that are promising.
There’s such a lack of discourse in today’s politics. It’s all just people screaming at one another, repeating the same “party line” over and over again, without any real meaning.
NASA – JPL Solar System Simulator
NASA – JPL Solar System Simulator: This is so cool – you can simulate views from just about anywhere in the solar system. Bring out the space geek in everyone!