Explains why I don’t know Java. (Although I don’t know Python, either.)
Author: Keith Survell
Geek, professional programmer, amateur photographer, crazy rabbit guy, only slightly obsessed with cute things.
Mozilla /2 = Firefox + Thunderbird
As a strong supporter of open-source thingies, I’ve been using Mozilla pretty much ever since it went to version 1.0 way back when. But lately the team over at Mozilla.org has split the “Mozilla Suite” into its two components: Firefox and Thunderbird. I highly recommend both of them!
The Sun
Sometimes you find beauty in strange places.
SJC Decision on Same-Sex Marriage
A very interesting read. The “official” decision comes first, and is followed by an individual brief from one of the justices that takes a somewhat opposing view. Both are well thought out and very valid – only a few very, very fine points separate the two opinions.
“How To Hack”
“How To Hack,” a brief guide to hacking (the way of thinking more than anything else) by: Keith M. Survell.